I see you, nestled in the sanctuary of our hearts, where words murmur and emotions ferment like the promise of a blossoming garden. Your fear, an echo from the shadows of the past, shivers at the prospect of love. I understand your trepidation, the anxiety of revealing the parts where words whisper softly and emotions dance like a brewing storm. It's as if our emotional landscape is an intricate novel, and you fear its complexities may be perceived as too much. Yet, dear one, your intricacies are like the chapters of a cherished childhood book, not overwhelming but a tapestry of uniqueness.

The pursuit of love has, at times, made you feel like a character penned by another's hand, losing sight of your true essence. It resembles a cinematic plot where the lead forgets their identity. Embracing love, however, is not a loss but a journey of growth, akin to the hero's transformation in a classic fairy tale.

I recognize the strategy of keeping people at arm's length, a defense against the pain of departure. Yet, shielding ourselves is akin to navigating the world in a mask—avoiding pain but missing genuine connection. Let's dismantle these barriers and allow love to enter like a soothing melody.

The fear of finding extraordinary love and then potentially ruining it is valid, but remember, mistakes don't define us. Love is resilient; we can learn and grow together, like characters in a coming-of-age film.

Now, let's address our first love, Zara, not as a tumultuous time but a chapter of self-discovery. It was a period where we learned about ourselves and the beauty of connection. Zara was a muse, not a source of turmoil.

Reflecting on the wrong types of love, forcing ourselves into molds, echoes with a tinge of regret. It's like a script that doesn't align with our true narrative. Let's release the shackles of those who sought to shape us. Love isn't about conforming; it's about acceptance and understanding.

Giving our soul to someone is vulnerable, yet our worth isn't dictated by others' judgments. Love isn't about meeting arbitrary standards but cherishing the authenticity within.

The fear of falling head over heels isn't a perilous cliff face; it's a soft landing, a warm embrace. In this internal tug of war, let's redefine the narrative. Attachment issues and commitment fears are chapters we've outgrown. It's time to embrace the possibility of love as a serene landscape where our heart feels at home.

With love and courage, Mathew.